I'm Harish Narnaware, a Junior Developer

Devops Enginner and Full stack Developer

About Me

I'm a Freshman pursuing computer science at Sager Institure of Research technolgy and Science. I am always ready to have new experiences, meet new people and learn new things. I find the idea of creating value for people and impacting the world through my work gratifying.

Skills & Tools

Integrate with all the marketing & social apps you use every day.

Jarvis In c++

c++ program controling opertaing system with software by pressing command basic operation like file opening , photo opening and much more basic stuff.


Notes App for daily uses you can write notes in your browser and It will save in local storage in your browser

Bussiness Mail creater and checker

Bussiness Email generator Full java script project

Textutlis React APP

Removing Extra spaces , speak function and all general textutility is here

Registration system 

Registration System Node js app managing login and logout session

Interested to work with me?

Drop a message to [email protected]

Get in Touch

We will reply in 24-48 hours

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